Pastoral transition TImeline

Welcome to the Pastoral Transition Timeline. Here, you can get a good look at all the steps we have taken during this important journey. This time line of events allows our main Pastoral Transition page to feature only the most up-to-date information without having to sift through every update.

  • January 21, 2025

    Pastor Search Update - January 21, 2025.

    January 21, 2025

    Your Pastor Search Committee values your input and would like to hear from you! We are gathering feedback to help shape a candidate profile that will guide us in evaluating resumes and conducting interviews. The insights you provide may also be used to give prospective candidates and staff a deeper understanding of our church.

    Please note: this survey is not a vote, nor does it bind the committee to any specific decisions. Rather, it is an important tool to help us listen and learn as we seek God’s direction together.

    Thank you for your thoughtful participation in this process. 

    The survey takes less than 5 minutes to complete. Click the button below to get started.


  • January 2025

    Pastor Search Update - January 2025.

    Monthly Prayer Guides from the Pastor Search Team

    Prepare Your Hearts in Prayer

    As we step into a new year, the Pastor Search Team invites you to join us in focused prayer for January with the theme of Preparation. Each guide is a tool to help us align our hearts and minds as we seek God’s direction for our church and prepare for the next steps in this important season.

    This month, let’s pray intentionally for God to prepare our church, our leaders, and the TNG (The New Guy :D ) He is calling. May our prayers reflect trust in His perfect timing and guidance.

    Click the Prayer Guide button to access this month’s guide and join us in prayerful preparation!

    January Prayer Guide

  • december 13, 2024

    Your pastor search committee met on December 8, 2024 and authorized the following update to the membership of First Baptist Church-Longview:

                    Having received last week the Church Assessment, the members are able to more fully work on the tasks assigned them, including preparing the job description and membership survey.  Members of the committee are also working on church and community profiles to present to candidates for senior pastor.  The committee has also set February 1, 2025 as the date to announce that the position is open and invite applications.  Members may have noticed a person taking pictures during the 12/8/24 service.  Simona Kennedy is working on behalf of the committee.  The committee plans to meet again on January 12, 2025.

  • December 5, 2024

    Pastor Search Update - December, 5.

    Dear Church Family,
    This December, let us dedicate our hearts to adoring our Savior, Jesus Christ. In this season, as the world focuses on material gifts, let’s offer the gift of worship, loving Him simply for who He is. Use this guide to focus on different attributes of God each week. Let’s adore Him together.

    Theme: Adoration
    "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor..."
    —Isaiah 9:6

    Please use this PDF prayer guide to help guide your prayers throughout the month.


  • December - Update

    Healthy Church Assessment Update

    We’re getting closer to sharing the Healthy Church Assessment with those who participated. We’ll keep you updated as it becomes available.

    Pastor Search Team Monthly Prayer Guide

    The new prayer guide is available here. → PRAYER GUIDE

  • November - Update

    Pastor Search Team Monthly Prayer Guide

    The Pastor Search Team has launched a monthly prayer guide to help us stay united as a church family during this time of transition. November’s theme is Thankfulness. Access the guide here → PRYAER GUIDE

  • October 20 - Update

    On October 20, 2024, the First Baptist Church Longview Pastor Search Committee met and authorized the following update:

    On October 12, the committee held a meeting with Pastor Barry, Aaronn, and Jennifer. Pastor Barry shared a wealth of information that will be instrumental in the search for our next pastor. He also provided follow-up documents from previous searches in which he participated, offering invaluable resources to the committee.

    The next committee meeting is scheduled for November 10, 2024. By then, we hope to review the Healthy Church Assessment and complete work on a membership survey. These tools will help us in preparing a comprehensive job description and church profile.


    Pastor Barry Campbell officially joined us as our interim pastor on September 1, delivering his first sermon with warmth and wisdom. We are excited to have him lead and shepherd our church during this transitional period. Check out his sermon HERE.


    On August 25th, Pastor Aaronn preached as we celebrated the completion of our three-year journey in the Disciple Groups. He called us to reflect on the teachings we've received and challenged us to put them into practice, marking a significant milestone in our spiritual growth. Check out his sermon HERE.

  • Pastor Search Team meeting

    Our Pastor Search Team met for the first time on August 18th at 5 PM. Their initial gathering was dedicated to prayer, communication, fellowship, and team-building as they began preparing for the important task of finding the man God is preparing to lead our church.

    In this early stage, the team is focusing on prayer and has asked the entire church to join them in seeking God's guidance. Please continue to pray for the team as a whole and for each member individually. The team members are: Kim Bishop, Robin Frick, Matt Harrison, Steve Leach, Chris Roubicek, Darin Sampson, and Jonathan Sorensen, with Heather Caesar as 1st alternate and Lonnie Odem as 2nd alternate.

    Thank you for your ongoing support through prayer and patience as they diligently work on behalf of FBC.

  • August 18 - Pastor lance caddel preaching

    Pastor Lance Caddel preached the final of four sermons at FBC Longview. Pastor Lance is helping fill the pulpit during our transition period before Pastor Barry Campbell arrives as our interim pastor. We are grateful for Pastor Lance's support and guidance during this time of change and look forward to his upcoming messages. WATCH

  • August 11 - Pastor lance caddel preaching

    Pastor Lance Caddel preached the third of four sermons at FBC Longview. Pastor Lance is helping fill the pulpit during our transition period before Pastor Barry Campbell arrives as our interim pastor. We are grateful for Pastor Lance's support and guidance during this time of change and look forward to his upcoming messages. WATCH

  • August 4 - Pastor lance caddel preaching

    Pastor Lance Caddel preached the second of four sermons at FBC Longview. Pastor Lance is helping fill the pulpit during our transition period before Pastor Barry Campbell arrives as our interim pastor. We are grateful for Pastor Lance's support and guidance during this time of change and look forward to his upcoming messages. WATCH.

  • July 28 - Special Called Business Meeting

    On July 28th at 6 PM, after much prayer and seeking God’s guidance, we joyfully voted to form our Pastor Search Committee. The meeting was filled with a spirit of unity and celebration, and the selected committee members are Kim Bishop, Robin Frick, Matt Harrison, Steve Leach, Chris Roubicek, Darin Sampson, and Jonathan Sorensen. Alternates Heather Caesar and Lonnie Odem are ready to step in if needed. The committee will now begin their journey of finding the next lead pastor for our church, dedicating time to prayer, reflection, and building strong relationships. Your continued prayers and support are invaluable during this important process.

  • July 28 - Pastor Lance Caddel preaching

    Pastor Lance Caddel preached the first of four sermons at FBC Longview. Pastor Lance is helping fill the pulpit during our transition period before Pastor Barry Campbell arrives as our interim pastor. We are grateful for Pastor Lance's support and guidance during this time of change and look forward to his upcoming messages. WATCH.

  • July 21 - PC Preaching final message

    This past Sunday, Pastor Cameron delivered his final message at FBC Longview, emphasizing the importance of "GROW" as an acronym in our spiritual journey. His heartfelt words and dedication to our community will be remembered as we move forward in this new chapter. If you missed his powerful farewell sermon, you can watch it here → WATCH NOW.


    In this video, Pastor Aaronn shares important details about our upcoming Special Called Church Business Meeting on July 28, 2024, at 6:00 PM. We will be voting on the nominees for our Pastor Search Committee. Your participation and prayers are crucial during this significant time for our church. WATCH NOW.

  • July 14 - Business Meeting

    Below is the list of nominees for the Pastor Search Committee. They were nominated at the Quarterly Business Meeting on July 14, 2024. Nominations are now closed.

    Kim Bishop, Deacon. Steve Leach, Deacon. Heather Caesar. Lonnie Odem, Deacon. Shalana Clark. Julie Rinard. Deb Cramer. Chris Roubicek. Greg Frick. Darin Sampson. Robin Frick. Ron Sampson Matt Harrison, Deacon. Johnathan Sorensen, Personnel Finance Team.

    Please pray for these nominees. Pray for clear communication, compassion, and God’s sovereignty as we prepare to vote.

  • July 14 - PC Preaching

    PC continues his sermon series in Ephesians 4, part 4 of 4: "Why Your Church Matters." WATCH NOW.

  • JULY 10 - BOOK CLUB WITH PC (4/4)

    PC leads the final of four Book Club meetings to teach and discus pastoral transition. Contact the church office for the link to watch the book club recording from July 10, 2024.

  • July 7 - pc preaching

    PC continues his sermon series in Ephesians 4, part 3 of 4: "Why Your Church Matters." WATCH NOW.

  • JUly 3 - book club with pc (3/4)

    PC leads the third of four Book Club meetings to teach and discus pastoral transition. Contact the church office for the link to watch the book club recording from July 3, 2024.

  • July 1 - Pastor aaronn shares an update

    Pastor Aaronn shares a quick update and encourages everyone to join the prayer night on July 7th at 7 PM. WATCH NOW.


    PC continues his sermon series in Ephesians 4, part 2 of 4: "Why Your Church Matters." WATCH NOW.

  • JUNE 26 - BOOK CLUB WITH PC (2/4)

    PC leads the second of four Book Club meetings to teach and discus chapters one - five. Contact the church office for the link to watch the book club recording from June 26, 2024.

  • June 23 - PC Preaching

    PC kicks off his sermon series in Ephesians 4, part 1 of 4: "Why Your Church Matters." WATCH NOW.

  • June 18 - Websites is updated has been updated with a new tab titled "Pastoral Transition." Watch Pastor Aaronn's video explaining the addition and what to look forward to. WATCH NOW. 

  • June 16 - PC PREACHING

    PC wraps up his sermon series in Ephesians 3, part 4 of 4: "Who Is A Christian." WATCH NOW.

  • JUne 13 - PC shares more info

    Pastor Cameron shares a heartfelt video with the friends and family of FBC Longview. WATCH NOW.

  • JUNE 12 - Book Club with PC (1/4)

    PC leads the first of four Book Club meetings to teach and discus what a healthy pastoral transition could look like. Contact the church office for the link to watch the book club recording from June 12, 2024.

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